Sheluth is a combination names of me and my husband. I am a wife, mama, post graduate student (Palynology), and forever learner. I appreciate people, arts and nature the most. I look into them positively and never the other way around. It brings out the positive vibes in me. To always be kind to others. To appreciate every little things around me. To be grateful with all the blessings.
And certainly We established you in the earth and We made for you in it livelihood. Little (is) what you (are) grateful (7:10)
I am a wife to Lutfi Lukman. An environmental biotechnologist who dropped his career and chose to be a freelancer. Now he is a dedicated Prudential insurance agent and an established proofreader, editor, and translator. And of course, a loving father to our lovely cheeky monkey. What I admire most about him are his vision and determination. A risk taker. A loving partner. I should stop here because the list can go on and on and on. I am so proud with my man :)
I am a mother to Rai. A sweet little creature that change my life. He's our source of happiness. The living evidence of our loves. Both of them are my inspirations to be a better person. As a parent, I am an ocean. The surface of my experience may be tumultuously stormy with 30-foot waves. But if I go deep enough, the water is always very calm and still. Here I have the chance to be totally present to hold the wonderful fleeting moments with my little family in complete awareness. Blessings that remind me to always be grateful even when life gets hard.
"And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allaah), I will give you more (of My Blessings); but if you are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily My Punishment is indeed severe" (14:7)
The blog
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an interior designer. I love arts. I draw. I made things. Then I sell them. To my sister :p. I would opened a booth in our house and forced her to buy something. It's fun to be kids right. At the age of 28, I am blessed to be able to start off what I once left behind. My philosophy is that it is never too late to learn something. Life is short, so do something that makes you happy.
Here, I write about my little family, porcelain and china, design and arts, and botanical project. I am not that good in writing, but I am learning. I have a beautiful collection of china that I love to death. You can browse the images in the past entries. Any comments or ideas, please share with me at
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